Thursday, December 13, 2012

Natasha's Journey

I began practicing yoga on my own in 2008. Like many I was drawn to the physical benefits of yoga - lose some weight, tone up and improve flexibility, these are still aspects of the practice that I enjoy and look forward to as I have never been much of a gym person ( mainly because all the equipment and machinery are kind of scary and not to mention confusing ) and I have never been able to fully understand and/or stick to dieting ( there is just something about bread , burgers pasta and junk food that I am just not willing to give up....yet). Yoga did not become an important part of my life until 2010. Things in my life were not going as planned and I found myself feeling lost. After each yoga class I went to, a certain calmness would follow and I was able to develop the "I am where I am supposed to be" attitude. I started to realize things about myself and those around me that were both surprising and depressing , but yet at the same time important to my path. 

Through my exploration of yoga I began to understand all aspects of my life and my so called "problems". The teachings and intentions set in each class ....the students that attended...people of all shapes, sizes, educational backgrounds, ethnicities, lifestyles, ages etc were all able to find something that they could connect with. We all found a common ground, on a more internal, mindful and spiritual level (whether or not that was the intent). Naturally, what we learned on the mat folllowed us and spoke to us for the remainder of the days, weeks and months that would follow. Everything that I took away from each practice became something that I did not want to live without. This way of life was something that I wanted to explore further. I became focused on finding the perfect balance in everything I did , which of course turned into a lifelong journey that I am so thankful I began. 

When I stepped into Ananda Hot Yoga Aurora, I immediately felt at home. It felt like the perfect place for me to grow as a person and as a yogi. When the oppurtunity to do the Energy Exchange program became available, I was more than happy to volunteer my time. I developed friendships with teachers and students alike. The positive energy and happiness in the studio made it a haven for me. Melissa Williams and her family helped me through a lot of rough patches in my life without even realizing it. 

I officially began the 200 hour training program with Melissa and the faculty in October 2012, I felt a change in myself immediately. Don't get me wrong, getting back into the school mind set after being out of school for 4 years is difficult (I am still adjusting), but it is worth it! There is a lot involved from classes and workshops to demos and homework. Not having fixed deadlines is such a blessing (sometimes a curse) especially since I have a full time job "on the side" but the way Melissa has designed this course is amazing. You don't even realise how much you are learning or how much time you put into it. When it is something you enjoy its hard to call it work. 

I am truly thankful for the people I have met since stepping foot into Ananda Studios, and the people I continue to meet on this path. I am thankful for all the support from my friends and family now that this new chapter of my life has begun. The more I learn and the more time I spend soaking in all the benefits of yoga and the positivity provided from the people involved....the more I evolve becoming who I am meant to be. I have no clue where this experience will take me, I have no clue what kind of teacher I will be - If I will have my own studio or if it will even be a full time endeavour. But, thats ok! I am sure that this choice was one of the best I have ever made and I look forward to what is in store. 

"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost"- Dalai Lama 


Natasha Richards 

Monday, December 3, 2012

What do you need?

I came across this a few months ago and I thought the simplicity of it was profound. I printed out a few and stuck them around the studio. To my suprise within a few days they were finished, I have since been posting them up and many of you continue to take what you need. Just goes to show that we all need a little love, joy, peace, understanding, patience , courage , kindness, goodness, gentleness, self control, passion, strength and freedom. So go ahead....take what you need and have a wonderful Monday.