Holiday is upon us once again and hopefully for most of us this is a joyous season. However, we can't turn a blind eye to the fact that for a lot of families, this season causes a lot of stress and frustration, as they try to bear the burden of coping in our materialistic, consumer driven society.Almost everywhere we go over the next month, there will be food drives asking for donations and many of us will donate our money and even our time to the cause of helping those less fortunate than us. Patanjali's 33rd sutra says "When harassed by doubt, cultivate the opposite mental attitude" Giving to others can reverse the message of scarcity that we are telling ourselves ; as we share our good fortune, we start realising that we have more than enough and this shift helps us feel more than fulfilled.
Halfway across the world, in a society that is far from materialistic, the poverty is heartbreaking. Children walk over 5kms a day to get to school and are housed in classrooms that are built with crushed boulders packing in 150 students per room. Many children sit on the concrete floors and wear the same uniforms day in and day out. It is a story we have all heard before, the images of these children in the media have been exploited and resulted in a numbing to what the reality is. Every Sunday at HYA the Karma class funds are donated to Plan Canada to assist children in third world countries living in poverty. This Sunday I am teaching the Karma Class at Hot Yoga Aurora and all funds are being donated to Natasha Stribbell my friend and neighbour so that she can in turn donate them to a school in Tanzania which currently has no running water or roof.
I invite you to
A) Come sweat , which is always and fun, and -
B) Help children in Tanzania get an education, because education is the only way we can change the world.
Lets try and channel a Greg Mortenson.
I would love to see you there
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