Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mumbai to Indore

On Sunday morning we had our last breakfast in Mumbai. Translation: last little piece of luxury. Our flight from Mumbai to Indore was about an hour long and we arrived at Paramanand Yoga Institute around 9pm. Indore has been dubbed "Mini Mumbai" and although significantly smaller you cannot underestimate the pollution and traffic. The population in Indore is approximately 2 million, yet it is the 15th largest city in India. I think that the majority of these 2 million people own motorcycles and don't know what a lane looks like, traffic is on par with Mumbai traffic, that much I know.........

It took us about 45 minutes to get to Paramanand from the airport, it is located about ten minutes off a main road so we are away from the noise and bustle of the city. This morning we woke up around 6.30am and did our first yoga practice with Dr.Om Anand Ji (Guruji). Much to my surprise he asked  Melissa and I to demonstrate asanas. Melissa was asked to do Triangle ( Trikonasana ) and I was asked to do Boat ( Navasana ). Our first yoga practice in India was very moving, it is a very spiritual place so it is hard not to be moved. The birds were chirping and the air was cool which is something to be appreciated considering temperatures often go up to 40 degrees celsius. After our practice we had some breakfast and a chance to meet some of the other students here. There are about ten people in total , including another sister pair from Ottawa! We start our lectures in a couple of hours and look forward to learning from Dr. Om Anand Ji, who has his doctorate in Yoga Philosophy and Meditation and is a chief disciple of the Guru Yugpurhsh Achaarya Mahamandleshwr. Intimidated? Slightly.....stay tuned for our enlightenment. 

Our back yard for the next couple of weeks 


The street behind the ashram

Staircase at the ashram painted by previous students


  1. Fantastic. Peace to you.


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