Monday, January 2, 2012

What if the world does not end in 2012?

2011 was a year that was filled with a lot of change and challenge for me. Each challenge was something that I set in place for myself and successfully overcame, each change was something that I embraced. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to say this. It has inspired me to look forward to 2012. Many of us start to make New Years resolutions around this time, but it is often something that is done mentally. In an effort to hold yourself accountable I would like to challenge you to make your goals public. Create a vision board, be artistic with your resolutions and goals for the year by framing them and put them in your bedroom, kitchen, office, or somewhere visible and this way you create a support network, you invite friends to hold you accountable. I guarantee that you will face challenges along the way but part of goal setting is fighting to overcome those challenges and get to where we feel we are supposed to be in this world. For some of us, 2011 might not have been a great year, learn from the experiences and take your emotions using them as fuel to act and do something positive. My plan is to blog my goals, making them public in the hopes that I will in turn be held accountable to myself. I hope to post each time I can cross something off the list, so here goes !

Career Goal
Contract or Long Term Occasional Teaching Position
Integrating yoga into my classroom DPA
Completing Special Needs additional qualification to complement my Autism additional qualification

Health Goal
Complete a personal 30 day yoga challenge
Completely cut out all dairy products
Juice/Detox every Monday

Personal Goal
Complete a photography course so I can put my SLR to good use
Travel, travel, travel - an integral part of the agenda every year
Try a Capoeira class

Yoga Goal
8 Angle Pose - Astavakrasana
King Pigeon Pose - Kapotasana
Complete Kids Yoga course

Remember, anything is possible.

Time to shine.

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